Contact Us

American Home Care Hearing

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American Home Care Hearing

Are you having a family member struggling? Don’t know where to turn, we can help!

With our trusted staff and bedside manner we can assure your loved one is comfortable and informed.

Schedule a free consult today in your home, or our office.

Contact Info

Office: 317-865-9275

Clinic Address

634 San Carlos Dr., Greenwood, IN 46142

Business Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9am-5pm

Friday: 9am-4pm

Saturday: By appointment only

Appointment Request

Please fill out our form and we will give you a call. If you prefer a one-on-one consult feel free to give our office a call, and one of our trusted team members will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Do you want to cancel out your hearing loss?

We can do this together!

testing room